
For Primary 4 students joining the Gifted Education Programme, the transition from mainstream to GEP track is one that is fraught with many challenges.

In general, the subject that many GEPers find difficult in achieving the same scores as they were getting in lower primary years is English. Fresh GEPers in Primary 4 may still be able to achieve 80s or even 90s for Mathematics and Science, but few are able to repeat the feat for English. Indeed, a score ranging in the 70s for English is common.

Why is scoring in GEP English difficult?

One of the main reasons is the introduction of literary elements in the English curriculum.

Students who have not been reading extensively will have little interest in character analysis, poetry, figurative language and creative writing. In the long term, for students to really do well, they need to develop a love for the English language.

GEP students

At Joyous Learning, we have designed a GEP English enrichment programme that bridges the gap between what is required for PSLE and what is required to ace GEP English.

How do we do this?

GEP English Enrichment Programme @ Joyous Learning

Comprehensive Coverage

Covers all the components that are tested in the PSLE English examination

o Paper 1: Situational Writing, Continuous Writing

o Paper 2:

· Booklet A: Grammar, Vocabulary, Vocabulary Cloze, Visual Text Comprehension

· Booklet B: Grammar Cloze, Editing for Spelling and Grammar, Comprehension Cloze, Synthesis and Transformation, Comprehension Open-ended

o Paper 3: Listening Comprehension

o Paper 4: Reading Aloud, Stimulus-based Conversation

· Paper 4 makes up a significant 15% of the English Paper. Therefore, doing well in this section is critical to securing a good grade.

· Students will undergo biweekly practice sessions for Stimulus-based Conversation where they are trained to speak with confidence and to think on their feet.

Covers components specific to the GEP English syllabus

o Literary analysis

· Literary devices

· Character analysis

o Poetry

· Poetic structure and form

· Understanding imagery and metaphors

· Reading with expression

o Persuasive Writing strategies

Literary Appreciation & Extensive Reading Programme (ERP*)

The curriculum is enriched with material that will expose students to literature. Students will be equipped with the skills to undertake their ERP assignments in school.

Components covered include:

o Themes and messages

o Context and authorial intent

o Creative expression

o Conveying ideas and evoking emotion through language

o Writing book reviews

*The ERP seeks to expose students to fiction of different genres, biographies and autobiographies to complement class work. A reading list will be provided and students will complete an ERP assignment to develop their confidence in responding to books.

Speaking & Articulation

One of the objectives of the GEP is to produce students who are able to think independently, form informed opinions on a range of issues and express them clearly. To help students develop these skills, students will be exposed to current affairs and trained to think critically about issues.

Students will be trained to:

o present ideas and opinions spontaneously in front of an audience

o use verbal and non-verbal cues to augment their speeches

o make persuasive speeches from opposing perspectives

Skills-Based Learning

Students will develop

o close reading and critical analysis skills for Comprehension texts and questions

o inference skills that are critical to Comprehension and Cloze exercises

Content-Based Learning

Students will be drilled on

o fundamental grammar rules

o commonly-asked Synthesis and Transformation question types

o vocabulary words

Engaging Lessons

o Hands-on activities

o Videos & constructive language-based games

o Discussion-based learning

Rigorous Practice

o All components (except for Listening Comprehension) are covered every four lessons.

o Students will write at least one full-length Composition every four weeks.

Experienced English Curriculum Team

o Our GEP English teachers are experienced tutors who have been teaching both primary and secondary level English for 15-20 years.

Our GEP English teachers are

Marcus Goh

  • Ex-GEP Student (RI/RJC alumnus)
  • Co-writer of GEP English curriculum
  • Over 5 years of experience training GEP students

Ligaya Ong

  • Ex-MOE teacher
  • Ex-Teacher Trainer and Mentor at a major enrichment chain
  • English Language and English Applied Discourse major

Sim Kian Ming

  • Ex-MOE teacher
  • Ex-editor of textbooks and assessment books at a major publishing house

Tan Seok Bee

  • Ex-MOE teacher
  • English Language and English Literature major

Frequently Asked Questions

How is the GEP English programme different from the regular English programme?

In addition to covering the standard components that are tested in PSLE English, our GEP English programme covers components that are unique to the GEP English curriculum. We curate texts based on literary merit and design exercises to get students to think about how the English language can be used to great effect.

My child is not in the GEP but is strong in English. Can he/she join this programme?

Yes. The rigorous and stimulating coursework is meant to stimulate the interests of English enthusiasts. Going beyond the PSLE syllabus, this programme will deepen a student’s appreciation of the utility and beauty of the English language.

What components are covered in the programme? How often do students write compositions?

The programme covers every component that is tested in the PSLE English paper as well as components covered in the P4-P6 GEP English syllabus. It is paced such that every component is covered in a four-week lesson cycle. That means students will complete at least one full-length Composition every four lessons.

If I enrol my child in this programme, do I still need to enrol him/her in The Thinking Writer?

The Thinking Writer is a creative writing programme with a focus on preparing students for PSLE English Paper 1. Students will complete a variety of writing tasks every lesson and a full-length Composition every two lessons.

Students enrolled in the GEP English programme will write Compositions at least once every four lessons. Should that not be sufficient, enrolling your child in The Thinking Writer programme ensures that your child gets the practice he or she needs.

Interested to sign your child up for our 2-hour weekly GEP English Enrichment Programme?

Email askjoy@joyouslearning.com.sg today!

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