
In this follow up to our first instalment of FAQs about the Gifted Education Programme (GEP), we explore several questions commonly asked by parents whose children have been selected for the GEP.

1. How is the Gifted Education Programme different from the mainstream programme?

The GEP curriculum for all nine GEP schools is set by the Ministry of Education (MOE) Gifted Education Branch. Students across the nine schools will sit the same tests and assessments.

The GEP curriculum will extend upon the basic PSLE syllabus in depth and breadth. The emphasis is on nurturing higher level thinking skills and inculcating a spirit of independent inquiry. For instance, for English, students will learn about poetry and try their hand at choral reading. For Science, students will be exposed to secondary concepts and get more opportunities to perform experiments. For Mathematics, students will learn how to derive formulae/heuristics for solving non-routine problems.

In addition, students will have to fulfil an Individualised Study Option in Primary 5 where they have to undertake a project under the mentorship of their teachers.

2. Besides the differentiated day-to-day curriculum, are there any other differences in the way GEP students are schooled?

The GEP class size usually ranges in the mid-twenties. The better teacher-student ratio allows teachers to cater more to individual learning needs and propensities. Furthermore, as GEP teachers specialise in a single subject, they are able to effectively impart greater depth and breadth to their lessons.

Outside of regular classroom hours, GEP students are encouraged to join competitions and enrol in masterclasses and workshops that will broaden their horizons and deepen their interest across various domains.

Gifted Education Programme (GEP)

3. Do GEP students still have to take the PSLE at the end of Primary 6?

While GEP students across the nine schools will take different exams from mainstream students from Primary 4 to Primary 6, they will still take the same PSLE at the end of Primary 6.

4. How will the GEP benefit my child?

For students who have the intrinsic motivation for accumulating knowledge and the capacity for learning at an accelerated pace, the GEP will stretch their abilities and satiate their appetite for learning. They will find lessons in school engaging and challenging, and be stimulated to develop deeper knowledge in their areas of interest.

As students are trained to think independently and express their views openly, GEP graduates tend to develop a healthy degree of confidence and eloquence.


5. What are the education pathways available to GEP graduates?

The educational pathways available to GEP graduates are the same as those available to mainstream students. Based on their PSLE results, students can choose to enrol in either the Integrated Programme (IP), International Baccalaureate (IB) or ‘O’ Level tracks in secondary school.

For students who are gifted in a particular domain (academic or otherwise), another option is to apply for direct entry to a secondary school through the Direct School Admission (DSA) exercise before the PSLE.

Interested in preparing your child for the GEP Screening and Selection tests? Email askjoy@joyouslearning.com.sg or call us at 62649193 to register for a trial class!

Do you have any questions about the GEP that you’d like addressed? Leave a message in the comments or make an appointment to see our GEP tutors by sending us a mail at askjoy@joyouslearning.com.sg.

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