
3. Attempt IQ questions or brain teasers

As mentioned, the General Ability component is quite similar to IQ tests. There are verbal question types (as seen in point 1), and non-verbal question types which frequently involve pattern recognition.

Here’s an example

Can you find the pattern?

GEP Selection Test General Ability

If it looks familiar, you’re right – they can be found in many IQ question books! These pattern recognition questions aren’t difficult, but they can be if you’ve never seen them before. One way is to let your child try out such IQ questions, so that they’ll be familiar with them when they see them in the General Ability component. There are many, many ways that these pattern recognition questions can be set; so the more your child solves them, the bigger his or her brain will grow.

Ultimately, whatever ‘preparation’ a child undertakes needs to be taken in the right nurturing spirit. Intellectual challenges, when packaged and presented optimally, can be (believe it or not) a source of fun. All parents and educators need is a little creativity and patience when guiding the youngsters!

gep screening and selection test

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