
Students who have gotten used to the GEP Mathematics in Primary 4 will probably find the Primary 5 curriculum easier as it follows the same pace, format and conventions of the Primary 4 syllabus. Of note is the Investigative Task – while only one Investigative Task is listed in the exam schedule, there is actually a second, “hidden” Investigative Task that is incorporated in Common Test 2.

The Investigative Task for Semester 1 requires the similar application of algebra as in P4, with the addition of quadratic equations (a Secondary Mathematic topic) for finding the nth term for more complex number sequences.

P5 GEPers

For Semester 2, the Investigative Task extends beyond algebra and overlaps with other Mathematics topics, where students will be expected to extrapolate patterns based on other topics such as Angles, Area or even Volume. The Investigative Task in Semester 2 will be part of their Common Test 2, so time allocation becomes a vital skill for P5 students.

Just as with the mainstream P5 students, P5 GEP students will be able to use calculators for Paper 2 of their tests. That said, student should keep their mental arithmetic skills sharp for Paper 1, where calculators are not allowed. Fractions and Decimals will be revisited in late Term 2 and Term 3, with the introduction of increasingly sophisticated, non-standard questions.

Overall, the learning curve for P5 GEP Mathematics should be less steep than in P4, although the range of topics and techniques tested will be much wider.

Key takeaways

– 2 Investigative Tasks

– second Investigative Task is in Common Test 2

– quadratic equations

– Fractions & Decimals – sophisticated, non-standard questions

– gentler learning curve than in P4

Looking to give your child’s GEP Mathematics grades a boost?

Enrol for our GEP/Advanced Mathematics Programme and let our GEP Mathematics Specialist Teacher (Rosyth-RI GEP alumnus) help you! Download the GEP/Advanced Mathematics Programme Booklet for the detailed syllabus.

Click here for the P5 timetable.

This programme is also open to mainstream P5 students who are advanced in Mathematics!

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