New Sec 1 Student

Academic Changes that New Sec 1 Students Can Expect

The jump from Primary 6 to Secondary 1 is probably one of the biggest changes that your child will face in their academic life. There’s more independence and freedom in secondary school, but there are also heavier responsibilities and weightier decisions. The subject load increases, the academic expectations are higher, and new Sec 1 students are expected to display more critical thinking skills.

While we have covered tips for coping with the general transition to secondary school before, here are more specific changes that students should be aware of when it comes to academia. So here are five academic changes that new Secondary 1 students should be prepared for in the coming year.

1. All Subjects: Fewer MCQs

In general, all subjects will have more Open-ended, Structured and Short-answer types of questions; there will be fewer multiple choice questions (MCQs). English, for example, will only have MCQs for Listening Comprehension, but there will be no MCQs at all for Mathematics. There will still be MCQ sections for Science, all the way until O-Levels, but these sections will have a lower weightage than what they were worth in primary school.

New Sec 1 students must be prepared to write longer and more complex answers for all subjects, which is why they will need to have a good foundation in English.

Academic changes

2. English Comprehension: More inferential questions, longer texts

When it comes to English comprehension passages, students can expect to see more inferential questions. This means that they have to be able to read between the lines, understand subtleties and implications, and interpret figurative language accurately. There will be fewer comprehension questions which they can answer just by lifting sentences straight from the text, even at Secondary 1.

There are three different text types in a standard comprehension paper – visual, narrative, and non-narrative (factual). The combined lengths of the narrative and non-narrative texts will be around 1,200 words; however, new Sec 1 students may be introduced to shorter texts at first. Texts will also be more sophisticated, meaning that there may be several layers of meaning in a given passage. They will no longer be as straightforward as PSLE comprehension texts.

Academic changes

3. English Composition: Longer composition lengths

Primary compositions require at least 150 words, but secondary compositions will need to be between 350 and 500 words long. Students who are not used to the rigour of writing longer compositions may find it challenging to generate sufficient relevant content to reach the required length.

Your child, as a new Sec 1 student, should not take the approach of “writing enough merely to cover the word count”, as this may result in padding and irrelevant content. Instead, they should strive to generate enough points (for expository compositions) and deeper reflections (for personal recounts) to write an essay of suitable length.

Academic changes

4. Science: Chemistry is included

New Sec 1 students will see the addition of Chemistry concepts to their syllabus (for Lower Secondary). While they have previously covered Physics and Biology topics in PSLE (even if they were not explicitly named as such), Chemistry topics will be relatively new to them, so they may need to pay more attention to grasp these concepts.

Some schools will cover the Science syllabus in a modular fashion, meaning that topics are grouped by Physics, Chemistry, and Biology, and each term is spent on one group. Other schools may take a different approach and not cover topics by group. It’s best that your child checks with the teacher to see how the topics will be covered, so that they will be prepared for Science in Lower Secondary.

Academic changes

5. Mathematics: More abstract and theoretical concepts

New Sec 1 students should also expect to see questions that test their understanding of the fundamentals– questions that deal with positive and negative numbers, for example. What this means is that students will not only learn new topics, but also have to handle more complex equations that test their proficiency in the use of brackets, or their mastery of broader topics like factorisation.

Lower Secondary Mathematics will require students to calculate exact figures, since there are no more MCQs. This means they no longer have the luxury of picking the most accurate answer, since they will need to derive the precise answer to each question.

Academic changes

Despite the increased difficulty in subjects, secondary school subjects also give your child a more exploratory approach to areas that may interest them. Students should look upon the broader and deeper scope of subjects as a chance to develop their interest in potentially diverse and unique fields.

This article was written for and first published on Yahoo Singapore’s Grade Expectations.

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